Les sessions ‘Provincial Stroke Rounds’ ont été conçues pour fournir aux professionnels de la santé une formation sur les meilleures pratiques nouvelles et émergentes en matière de soins des accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Ils sont coordonnés et soutenus par le groupe ‘Ontario Regional Education Group’ (OREG) et accueillis par les réseaux régionaux des AVC à tour de rôle. (Disponible en anglais seulement)
Consultez le calendrier des événements pour obtenir des informations sur les sessions à venir. Cliquez sur le titre pour voir la présentation.
Systems of Care for Acute Stroke in Ontario
Making Stroke Education Fit for Purpose: Priorities and Approaches for Educating Healthcare Professionals
Presenter: Kristina Moro
A Scalability Assessment of the Transitional Care Stroke Intervention in Community Stroke Rehabilitation
Presenters: Melissa Northwood and Tracey Chambers
Balancing stewardship and quality in stroke dysphagia management: Updates on an online independent TOR-BSST© screener training program
Presenters: Sherry Darling and Dr. Rosemary Martino.
A Journey to the Center of the Brain: A Novel Technology to Explore the Inside of Brain Vessels and its Application in Stroke
Presenter: Dr Robert Fahed, Interventional Neuroradiologist, Depts of Medicine, Surgery, & Medical Imaging, The Ottawa Hospital
Amplifying the Patient Journey to Support Transitions in Stroke Care
Presenters: Dr. Siva Murugappan and Dr. Prema Samy of Chatham- Kent Health Alliance
Stroke/ICU Liason: A new collaborative model for the interdisciplinary care of stroke patients
Presenters: Dr. Keith Sivakumar and Dr. Federico Carpani
Enhancing Individualized Stroke Care in the Community- results of a community consultation in Southeastern Ontario
Presenter: Kayla Purdon, Best Practice Coordinator with the Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario
Integrated Stroke Clinic: An Innovative Patient Centric Approach to Stroke Care
Presenter: Dr. Atif Zafar
Newly Released Smart Tips for Stroke Care: Everything you Need to Know!
Presenters: Sue Verrilli, Regional Education Coordinator, Northeastern Ontario Stroke Network; and Jenna Weck, Regional Community & Long Term Care Coordinator, Central East Stroke Network